Hope Church NW

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Day 2 - Setting the Scene

Day 2 - Setting the Scene

Today’s Big Idea: A Call back to The Greats

Key Verses: Matthew 22:34-40, Matthew 28:16-20

Passages: Matthew 22:34-40,Matthew 28:16-20, Ephesians 4:7-13

Thoughts to consider: The Call back to the Greats is for every believer to remember Why they were called to be a part of the Ekklēsian. Instead of debating how a church should run or whether the Pastor should or should not start a new ‘needed ministry’, we need to ask “What does Jesus want his church to be?” and “How do I fit into that picture?” The easy answer is the Great Commandment and the Great Commission and the Mandate to Equip people. If we are to judge our current state of spiritual health, it is important to ask ourselves how well we are doing at the Greats. If you are a church leader, how well are you equipping people? Am I consciously and actively engaged in ministry, or do I leave the “ministry” to the professionals? Answering these questions will help you grow because you understand where you are starting from, and how far you have to go to get to Zero.


