Hope Church NW

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Day 30 - Every Good Work

Day 30: Every Good Work

Today’s Big Idea: Preparation comes from the Word

Key Verse: 2 Timothy 3:17

Passage of the day: 2 Timothy 3:14-17

Thoughts to consider: Many of you on this journey back to Zero have been in church a long time. Still, some have just begun. The common thread between both groups of people is The Word of God and how it instructs us for daily living. The Apostle Paul tells Timothy to stay faithful to what he was taught from the Word. And that the Word is for correction and direction. “God uses it (The Word) to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.” Preparation for good soil comes from the Word of God. Zero may look like memorizing scripture. Zero may look like finally believing that scripture is From God. Zero may be sharing your favorite passages of scripture with others. Maybe, it looks like operating in your spiritual gifting. Whatever it is, God uses His word to correct us and direct us. That direction is so we can produce a harvest of good works in our lives. 

When was the last time we used the Word of God to teach us what is true and make us realize what is wrong? What is every good work? How has our soil’s culture kept us from good works? What does your Zero look like so that you can be prepared for every good work?