Hope Church NW

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Day 29 - The Big Zero

Week 5: Defining Zero

Day 29: The Big Zero

Today’s Big Idea: What does Zero mean to you?

Key Verse: Matthew 13:23

Passage of the day: Matthew 13:1-23

Thoughts to consider: Identifying your current cultural reality is important. It gives us a place to start from. But where are we going? What does your Zero look like? In today's passage, Jesus tells us at the end of his explanation of the parable, “the seed that fell on good soil”. What would your good soil look like? For each person, this will be defined differently. However many will find themselves on this journey struggling to define what Zero looks like to them. And that is ok. This is a journey. Jesus defines good soil this way, “those who truly hear and understand God’s Word.” Jesus says in today’s passage (vs 12) that “those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge.” Now it’s time for this devotion to prompt you to PRAY. Prayer is a conversation with God. You talk, He listens. Then He talks, and you listen.

Ask God what it would look like for you to Get Back to Zero.