Hope Church NW

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Day 26 - Depth does not equal Spiritual

Day 26: Depth does not equal spiritual

Today’s Big Idea: Being More Effective

Key Verse: Matthew 13:5

Passage of the day: Matthew 13:1-23

Thoughts to consider: It is easy to misunderstand the need for depth in your spiritual walk. Depth is not how much you read the Bible or how long you can sing songs. Depth is more about effectiveness. The seed needs a place with good soil, and not so many rocks. The rocks can represent things in our lives that we feel we are better at than most. Or the judging of others’ sins without acknowledging our own. The rocks also represent moments in our culture when we do things for others, instead of teaching them how to accomplish the task. For example, telling someone to read the bible doesn’t work unless you can help them understand the bible. Telling people to just ‘pray more’ doesn’t work if people don’t even know how to begin praying. A part of this culture is because our ego gets in the way. “What do you mean you don’t know how to pray?” Have we taken the time to teach them? Did we contribute to a culture that is shallow because it is easier to do things ourselves instead of teaching others? Do we understand the difference between equipping and delegating? On the flip side, are you doing so much that you are feeling burned out? Could it be because you haven’t equipped others to help carry the load? How can you be more effective?