Hope Church NW

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Day 34 - Being Patient

Day 34: Being Patient

Today’s Big Idea: I said be patient…

Key Verse: Ephesians 4:2

Passage of the day: Ephesians 4:1-8

Thoughts to consider: Let’s be honest, if our gifts were the only gifts the world needed, we’d be in trouble. This is why we don’t do this journey alone. The other side of this idea is that you may develop your gift quicker than others. Certainly, there will always be those who catch on at a faster rate than most. This is where patience comes into play. Remember, the purpose of the gifts is unity. When we consider all the spiritual gifts, our focus can quickly turn to who has what gift, and how are they using it. And that’s not wrong, it just shouldn’t be our focus. God’s primary concern with the operation of the gifts is not about the gift itself, but how we treat each other. As gift discovery and gift operation happen, we must “make allowance for each other’s faults,”. It’s not about what the gifts will accomplish, but how to watch out for each other as we minister together in every good work. Take some time these next few days and consider our attitudes as we walk with others in the discovery of the gifts.