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Day 54 - God Despises Division

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Day 54: God Despises Division

Today’s Big Idea: Learning to value the role of others

Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 12:24-25

Passage of the day: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Thoughts to consider: God despises division in the church. One of the biggest causes of division is when we don’t value the role everyone plays in the body. This is especially true of people who serve in areas that aren’t as visible as others. The pastor and worship leader get thanks and recognition often (and the criticism as well). But what about the person that is not often seen? Who makes the coffee? Who opens the building? Who puts out the signage? Who runs the sound? Who does the books and runs the business side of ministry? Most of the time, those in those positions only get recognized when something goes wrong. Before leaving todays devotional time, think about someone in your church who works behind the scenes. When was the last time you went out of your way to thank someone in the church who does something behind the scenes? Right now, today, send them a text or email saying thank you. Let’s create some unity and gratitude within the church body.