Hope Church NW

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Day 6 - Necessary Conversations

Day 6 - Necessary Conversations

Today’s Big Idea: Reconcile First

Key Verse: Matthew 5:24

Passage of the Day: Matthew 5:21-26

Thoughts to consider: No one is perfect. But before we can continue to move ahead, we must first reconcile with our fellow Christ-followers. In your pondering and repentance of yesterday, did you find any specific attitudes towards others or resistance toward forgiveness of others? Jesus tells us here in todays key verse just how to bring your gift of yourself to him. Stop what we are doing (leave your gift at the alter), change our attitude (be reconciled to others), then proceed with the process (come and offer our gifts.) In order to get back to Zero, there may be some conversations that need to happen and some forgiveness that needs to be given. Remember, you belong to the Christ. A part of loving Him with everything you have means finding the right motives, evaluating the process, repenting of wrong attitudes, and forgiving others in order to move forward.

It is not easy, but it is totally worth it.