Day 65 - Leadership Lesson 2
Day 65: Leadership Lesson 2
Today’s Big Idea: Building on your foundation.
Key Verse: Acts 13:32-33
Passage of the day: Acts 13:14-52
Thoughts to consider: Following the Lord as He does something new does not mean rejecting the foundational principles that got you where you are. The apostle Paul was doing something so new that most of his Jewish contemporaries couldn’t go along with it. But that didn’t surprise Paul, since he was knocked to the ground by the resurrected Jesus and had his heart and mind changed. So when Paul entered a new town, he began at his foundation - the synagogues; preaching from the Hebrew scriptures. From that foundation, he showed Jesus’ message was a fulfillment of the scriptures. As we consider the process of change and taking on leadership, it’s easy to only want to do the new things. Instead of focusing on the changes, it is essential to keep our focus on God’s will and His mission. Ask yourself, am I building on the biblical principles I already know and believe? If so, then step out in faith! If not, it’s time to renew your commitment to God and His Word and build up that foundation again.