Hope Church NW

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Week 2, Day 8 - Staying Mission-Focused

Day 8 - One of The Greats, Part 1

Today’s Big Idea: The Great Commandment

Key Verse: Matthew 22:37-39

Passage of the Day: Matthew 22:34-40

Thoughts to consider: This is one of a few times that Jesus answered a question directly. When asked what was the Greatest Commandment to follow, Jesus answered with todays Key Verse. There is no greater or more important section of scripture to memorize and regularly study than this passage. 

Jesus says to Love; God, Others, and Ourselves. Then Jesus adds this statement: “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” In other words, when we are loving God and others and ourselves, we are obeying what God commands. When considering the Great Commandment, we need to ask some important questions. How seriously are we taking Jesus’ command to Love God and love those made in his image? Is the Love of God seen by others in our everyday lives? What does it mean to love ourselves? When others encounter us, do they feel loved and cared for? If not, why? This is the beginning of staying mission focused as we grow spiritually.