Day 20 - Even if it’s Purple

Day 20: Even if it’s Purple

Today’s Big Idea: Commit yourself to be open to what Jesus is doing.

Key Verse: Proverbs 16:3

Passage of the Day: Proverbs 16:1-18

Thoughts to consider: Right now you may be thinking about how this challenge will change you and shape your growth. You may be seeing an end point and do your best to get to that outcome. “It will lead me to A, and if that doesn’t happen, maybe it will be B.” But when we give God an A,B, or C choice to make, he often picks D or Y or even purple. God takes us where we need to go, and many times it is out of our realm of possibilities. We need to be ready, willing, and committed to follow Jesus wherever He takes us, however expected, unexpected, or seemingly strange it may be. Also note, that God doesn’t ‘follow our plans’. He establishes them. They become our plans, but they start as His plans. As we grow, we will see the culture around us change into the plans that God already has for us. Are we committed to following them?


Day 21 - SABBATH


Day 19 - Gotcha