Day 27 - Clutter Happens
Day 27: Clutter Happens
Today’s Big Idea: Simplify
Key Verse: Matthew 13:7
Passage of the day: Matthew 13:1-23
Thoughts to consider: It is easy to confuse busy with productive. The over-correction of those with busy soil is to cut everything away and become lazy or even feel stuck. After all, activity means life. But there is a big difference between active and hectic. Like houses, we don’t have to work hard to let things become cluttered. Clutter happens. The most effective people know how to simplify things in their lives. They are the ones in control. When things are hectic, other things or people control your schedule. This is when we find ourselves in clutter. If not kept in check, clutter will cause us to lose our effectiveness. When we find ourselves in thorny soil, it is important to keep things simple. The mission of Jesus is simple: Love Jesus, Love others, share your faith, and disciple believers. There are a couple of essential questions for each of us to ask if we want to avoid clutter. What do we do well that we’d like to do more of? What do we do poorly that we’d like to do less of? As you consider this today, write your answers down. This isn’t a want or wish list, it’s knowing what stresses you out and what brings you happiness and peace.
We are not saying to dump everything and everyone in your life, just learn where the clutter comes from, and begin to simplify in that area if you can.