Day 89 - The Cost is everything. The Reward is even bigger.

Day 89: The Cost is everything. The Reward is even bigger.

Today’s Big Idea: Count the cost

Key Verse: Luke 14:28

Passage of the day: Luke 14:27-35

Thoughts to consider: Today’s verse is not (just) about building a tower, completing your project, or helping your church become healthier. In the context of the entire passage, it’s about sacrifice. It’s about taking up your cross, giving up everything for the One who gave up everything for us. This life of discipleship will cost you everything. That’s the cost we must be aware of. But it’s more than worth it because when we give up our everything, we receive Christ’s everything. And that is bigger and better than anything we have or have to offer. 


Day 90 - Bring it all home


Day 88 - God honors accountability