Week 1, Day 1…

Today we begin our 100 Day Journey to Zero!

Week 1 - Knowing your Place

Day 1 - Jesus Builds the Church

Today’s Big Idea: Remembering Whose Church It Is

Key Verse: Matthew 16:18

Passage of the Day: Matthew 16:13-20

Thoughts to consider: This is the first time the word “church” appears in the Bible. In Greek, it is the word ekklēsian, which means a group or gathering of ones who are called out. This word was used by Jesus as a result of a question, not about a mission or vision statement, but rather about Jesus’ identity. Asking his disciples, “Who do you say I am?” Notice it is Jesus’ character, recognized by his disciples, that lead Jesus to reveal his purpose. “Who” quickly leads to “What”. Jesus says that because of who he is, he leads his disciples to what they were supposed to do.

Many of us have forgotten that we belong to an ekklēsian that was formed long before we chose to like a specific Pastor or style of worship. The church that you attend doesn’t belong to you, or your pastor. It doesn’t belong to those who have been there the longest or have given the most money or time. It is not the property of any denomination or city. The church - including the local congregation you refer to as “my church” - belongs to Jesus.

Therefore, we must recognize that when we say “my church”, it is in reference to a commitment we have made to Jesus and a partnership in his mission, and not merely a possession.





Day 2 - Setting the Scene
