Day 11 - The Lost are Found
Day 11- The Lost Are Found
Today’s Big Idea: To seek and save the lost.
Key Verse: Luke 19:10
Passage of the day: Luke 19:1-10
Thoughts to consider: If the Five-Fold ministry leaders are called to equip God’s people to continue the work of Jesus on earth, then what is that work?
Jesus tells us himself in the last verse of today’s reading. Jesus and his disciples were on their way to Jerusalem and the crowd got so big to see Jesus that a man named Zacchaeus had to climb a tree to just get a glimpse of Jesus. But that is not the point of the story. Jesus called to Zacchaeus and went to his house and ate with him. When spending time with Jesus, Zacchaeus was moved to repentance of his sins, which were many. Jesus then says that salvation has come to the household. Not only did Zacchaeus receive salvation, but his family. Then Jesus tells us directly what he came to do; seek and save the lost. How does Jesus’ example of seeking, spending time with, and loving sinners affect us today? Do we look for those who are lost to offer them a salvation through Jesus? Do we spend all of our time with other believers? Salvation can be contagious if only we would stay focused on the mission.