Day 12 - Mission Drift

Day 12: Mission Drift

Today’s Big Idea: Recommit to the mission

Key Verse: Rev 2:4-5

Passage of the Day: Revelation 2:1-7

Thoughts to consider: Vision statements are overrated. They simply paint a picture of what we want to see. The problem is that most of us don’t know what we are doing until we have already done it. Churches are no different. We plan, meet, attend services and when things go well, we act like we knew what we were doing all along. Planning is important, but the truth is that Vision statements don’t make great churches. Just like Vision boards don’t make great people. What will it take to make that vision happen? That is called the Mission! It can be hard to consider a passage from Revelation without drudging up end-times ideas and desires. But what if we look at the passage for what it means then and there. As strong as the church in Ephesus was, within less than a generation they were already forgetting their foundation and their mission. They’d left their first love. If this can happen so quickly to the church in Ephesus, it can happen to us. We can easily forget what our motivation should be. We quickly jump onto the latest trend or most widely accepted doctrine and we become consumed by our own agendas. Because of this, we must constantly remind ourselves of the essential truths of the church, including asking some important questions as we pursue spiritual growth. What are my motives during this time of devotion? Is my pride standing in the way of me hearing God? Who am I trying to compete with in my life that has a ‘better’ spiritual walk than mine? Am I willing to get back to the Mission of Jesus to build His church, or am I stuck in my own expectations and desires?


Day 13 - The Mission’s Cost


Day 11 - The Lost are Found