Day 13 - The Mission’s Cost
Day 13: The Mission’s Cost
Today’s Bid Idea: What is my sacrifice?
Key Verse: Romans 12:1
Passage for today: Romans 12:1-8
Thoughts to consider: Anything worth anything costs us something. The greater the value, the higher the cost. While commitments can be made for important things, it takes a sacrifice for things of eternal value. As Paul charges us in todays passage to be a living sacrifice, we must establish two important principles: First, our sacrifice is not for salvation. Jesus has completed that once and for all and there is nothing we can do to ever earn our salvation. It is a gift from God. Second, this is a sacrifice that is offered to Christ and His mission of building His church. This passage of scripture is not asking us to die for Jesus, but rather to LIVE for him. We are to offer our minds, bodies, emotions, and spirits to Jesus. A commitment to Jesus will cost us something, but a sacrifice costs us everything. What does it mean to offer your body as a living sacrifice? Does it ever seem like it would be easier to just die for Jesus, than to live for him? If so, why or why not? What are you willing to sacrifice to reconnect to Christ and His mission?