Day 25 - Not a ‘One-Size Fits All’ (Copy)
Day 25: Not a ‘One-Size Fits All’
Today’s Big Idea: Softer and more adaptable
Key Verse: Matthew 13:4
Passage of the day: Matthew 13:1-23
Thoughts to consider: Each of us is unique which brings different circumstances to our current culture. Two people in the ‘shallow’ soil are there for different reasons, so therefore their solutions will be different. However, there are some universal principles that will help guide each along the way. Over the next three days, we will look at these principles one at a time. But don’t skip today just because it may not apply to you. Each issue affects how you approach and respond to other issues.
Hard soil doesn’t isn’t hard for no reason. Being repeatedly stepped on causes hurt, and many of us have hurts. When trust is broken, we hurt. And it is hard to overcome that hurt and earn back trust. Like a parched ground longing for rain, you need to see that building trust again in people, the church, and God takes time. Hard soil needs time, but more than time, it needs rain. Here in the PNW, rain is something we can count on. It is the very thing that is consistent for a long time, every time. This is what it will take for you to renew your trust in God and others; consistency. Consistency in God’s Word. His presence. Consistency with people means forgiveness and adaptability. How can you rebuild damaged trust if you can’t begin with forgiveness? Have you done something to damage the trust of others? Or, are you paying for someone else’s mistakes? Are you willing to be consistent enough in relationships to see soft soil begin to form? Softer and more adaptable is the goal of the hard soil culture.