Day 24 - Pendulum Swing Cautions
Day 24: Pendulum Swing Cautions
Today’s Big Idea: Avoiding misunderstandings
Key Verse: Galatians 3:3
Passage of the day: Galatians 3:1-3
Thoughts to consider: Now that we have identified our soil and are considering renewing it, we must avoid common misconceptions as we generate healthy soil. In today’s passage, the Apostle Paul was reminding the church at Galatia that what began by the spirit needs to be completed by the spirit. We often have a tendency to over-correct and allow the pendulum to swing all the way over. When this happens, we get sidetracked and can miss the purpose of renewing our soil altogether. For example, the Stubborn/ Hard soil isn’t corrected by becoming docile, but rather by becoming adaptable. Soil/Culture still has a purpose; to produce a harvest. If we just allow ourselves to become stagnant or docile, then we are still not in a place to produce a harvest. The same goes for soil that is shallow. Shallowness isn’t corrected by ‘going deep, because you don’t have to go deep to plant good seed. Shallowness is best renewed by a desire for effectiveness. The outcome of good soil and good see is an effective harvest. Finally, the flip side of busyness isn’t laziness, it is simplicity. The simplicity of soil allows for the proper gestation of a good seed.
When we want to see a culture change happen faster than it should naturally, then we become like the people in the church at Galatia; we tend to bring “means of the flesh” into our renewal. Solving faith problems with works-based solutions rarely ever works.