Day 40 - Your Attention Please!

Day 40: Your Attention Please!

Today’s Big Idea: Toss things that steal your attention

Key Verse: Acts 6:2

Passage of the day: Acts 6:1-7

Thoughts to consider: We give our attention to so many things. The hard part is, that many of those “things” are really important. Our families, our jobs, our church, our communities. But let’s be honest for a min, we give a lot of attention to our phones, our social media accounts, and those 4,718 emails that we just can’t seem to get through. All of them are important. Here’s the deal, no one can do everything all the time. We only have so much time in a day, a week, a year. The apostles in Acts knew this, and they had to make the hard decision to delegate something important to someone else. On this day, it is time to write it all down. Write down all the things you are involved in and all the things that take up your time. One of the principle ideas of getting back to zero is to know what to let go of in order to get your time back. Feeding the widows was an essential ministry, but it wasn’t what the apostles were called to do. So they made the hard decision to delegate that task, and maintain their time and attention. They knew what they did well, and they stuck to it. No one can do everything. We can’t meet every need, volunteer for every event, or make everyone happy. So ask yourself, What am I doing well, that if given more time/attention, would be excellent? What can I toss out of my daily habits (good or bad) that would give me time back? Do I focus on what is mission-critical? What do I need to toss from my life that is stealing my attention?


Day 41 - The Work of the Ministry


Day 39 - Cultivating good soil.