Day 4 - Pondering

Day 4 - Tennis Shoe in the Dryer

Today’s Big Idea: Pondering

Key Verse: Luke 2:19

Passage of the Day: Luke 2

Thoughts to consider: Have you ever put a tennis shoe in a dryer? If so, have you ever asked yourself, “what part of the inside of the dryer did that shoe not touch?” That is a picture of what it means to ponder. To really evaluate every part of the process. As you continue this 100 Day Challenge, what would it mean for you to get back to Zero? What would a New Beginning look like for your spiritual walk? Are you excited? Scared? Worried? Joyful? Maybe all of the above? Well, imagine how Mary felt after she had just given birth to God in the flesh. The Key verse today says that she “pondered these things in her heart.” This underlying important principle of slowing down and assessing ones position and motives is what the not-too-often practiced discipline is all about. Pondering can help you focus and move forward into the exciting, scary, uncertain, and joyful things that God calls us to do. Pondering helps us in our deepest fears and leads us to the highest hopes for tomorrow.


Day 5 - Attitude is Everyting


Day 3 - Motives Matter