Day 45 - Don’t just jump

Day 45: Nehemiah inspects the wall

Today’s Big Idea: Don’t just jump

Key Verse: Nehemiah 2:20

Passage of the day: Nehemiah 2:10-20

Thoughts to consider: Instead of jumping in and acting like he knew it all, Nehemiah quietly and deliberately took the necessary time to inspect the condition of the wall. This allowed him to know the scope and severity of the work that was ahead of him. That is exactly what we need to do with our call to action. Nehemiah has the confidence and information he needed AFTER the inspection. This inspection has many layers. What is the motivation of the heart? Has your ministry or project been tried before? Who will you recruit to do the work with you? How long will you need to pray and prepare before beginning? This is where the Big C church is right now; assessment and inspection. The work hasn’t begun yet, but you are far more ready to tackle it with wisdom, prayer, good soil, and confidence than you were six weeks ago. Take a min and reflect on how far you’ve come, and celebrate that. Even though you may have faced some opposition, and like Nehemiah you will face more, the good news far outweighs the bad. Have confidence that God will give you success as you begin the work of the ministry He has called you to.


Day 46 - Next to them…


Day 44 - Let the rebuilding begin