Day 92 - Worries vs Obedience
Week 14: Faith, Confidence, and Action
Day 92: Worries vs Obedience
Today’s Big Idea: It Starts with Obedience
Key Verse: Exodus 4:12
Passage of the day: Exodus 4:10-17
Thoughts to consider: Worry often keeps us from obeying God. When God called Moses to free His people, Moses must have been filled with all kinds of emotions. We know he was worried about his past and his faults. He even argued with God about his abilities. But God told him the slaves wouldn’t be freed because of Moses’ oratory skills, but because of God’s power working through Moses’ obedience. Look at the key verse; in response to Moses’ uncertainty, God gave him three instructions. First, “Now, Go.” This means get to it. Don’t let your worries cause hesitation or disobedience. Get the ball rolling and do what God says. Second, after you go “I will be with you as you speak,”. This means as we are being obedient, God’s power will begin to flow. In Moses’ case, the words were eloquent enough for the task at hand. Third, “I will instruct you,”. Not only will God empower you, it will be good and wise and successful. That is how God works with us. He doesn’t just want us to give it our best, He wants to empower us with and for His best. It doesn’t begin with our skills or gifts. It starts with obedience. Then God does what only He can do, so only He gets the glory.